Sunday, 24 May 2020

All of My Social Media in One Post

Here's where you can find me on social media and other sports related sites.

I'm on Instagram at I just started the Instagram and am going to post lots of photos of my growing collection there. Feel free to drop me a follow, or send me a DM there.

My Ebay username is theblindtiger1984.

I'm on the Trading Card DB at theblindtiger.

You can also find me on Facebook if you want, but I don't really post anything hobby related there. I am a member of a huge number of Facebook hobby groups, but I find the quality of discussion on that site not so good.

Feel free to drop your social media in the comments and I'll give you a follow.


  1. Looks like we're following each other on Twitter. Even though... I still don't really now if I even tweet correctly. Lol. My TCDB username is sanjosefuji, but I haven't done anything over there yet. And I have an instagram account for work, but don't think I have one for my cards.

    1. I haven't done anything on TCDB either. I don't really have enough inexpensive cards that are trade bait in order to solicit a trade, and the cost of shipping in Canada is so expensive that it is not worthwhile to trade low dollar cards. But it's great for keeping track of what I own.

  2. I'm one of those weird ones for my age group that does no social media at all, just a blog which it seems you're already aware of ;-)

    1. I was off social media for a really long time, because I never saw the point of it. I'm not attractive enough to post constant photos of myself, and my life is pretty dull, so it's not like I have crazy travel photos everyday that people would want to see. I really just started using social media again to get back into the hobby. I also recently moved across the country and wanted to keep in touch with people back home. But yeah, I totally get not being on social media at all.

  3. I have the blog, and I unfortunately have the Twitter as well. I really dislike the Twitter, but it's been good for promoting blog posts, mine, and my friends. All the other forms of social media are a complete mystery to me, and I can't imagine myself ever wanting to sit down and actually learn how to use them, so I'll probably just be sticking with the two things that I do know how to use.

    1. I'm comfortable with most forms of social media, although I find Facebook kinda pointless. I just started trying to use Tiktok and I feel like I have aged out of it. I also don't think I'm creative enough for a social media app based around making little music videos.
